Semi fermented black tea from the Yunnan Region lots of golden tips, but a dark infusion, slightly smokey, earthy flavours.
Black Teas are created through an oxidation process- leaves are withered and rolled to encourage enzymes within the leaves to react with the oxygen, this process results in darker tea leaves and more potent flavours. The oxidation process is comprised of two methods, the othodox method and the CTC method.
Leaves destined to become Black tea are transported from the fields to the tea factory within hours of plucking and sorting, they are then withered in order to reduce moisture content so that the leaves can be rolled without flaking. Harvested tea leaves typically have a higher water content of around 75% which is reduced to 45% for rolling and oxidation. The water content is removed by laying leaves on a flat mesh surface or a bamboo tray, during the drying process the leaves are subjected to cool air for between 8-18 hours.
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China Yunnan
A wonderful flavour reminiscent of cedar wood, leather and a hint of spice-perhaps star anise.
Yunnan China black tea
I love this tea. I use it as my everyday tea. As I don’t take milk in tea I like a gentle flavoursome brew without the harsh tannin. Beautiful golden colour, large leaves ideal for strainer or diffuser and never seems to get that ‘stewed’ taste even if left in until nearly cold!